Thursday, January 23, 2014

Magazine Cover Preview

Selling Line
Cover Lines
Bar Code 
Main Cover line 
Cover Line 
Model Credit
Main Image 
Date line 

Masthead The name of the magazine displayed in a specific typeface. This is the visual branding of the title and is often done in a specially designed typeface to be very recognisable and unique. The masthead is usually used on the contents page inside as well as the front cover, and as a logo for advertising and branding purposes
DatelineMonth and year of publication, often with the price. Note that a monthly magazine usually hits the news-stands the month before the cover date
Main imageIn the case of this front cover there is a single image of the model Shania. The image is used in a classic way, the face is big enough to stand out on the news-stand, with the model making full eye-contact
Model creditThis says: 'Shania: So hot.' It is unusual for such a credit to appear on a magazine front cover, but is done on fashion magazines. The photographer and model credit is usually on the contents page
CoverlinesCosmopolitan magazine uses a lot of cover lines, which are distributed around the main image without detracting from it too much. A mistake often made with cover lines is that they run over an image that has a lot of colour changes, rendering the words invisible. This is a problem here with the red text on the hair on the left and the smaller yellow text against Shania's skin
Main cover lineThis is very large - taking up almost a quarter of the magazine cover - and comes in three layers, each with a different colour. It promotes the use of naked male centrefolds, a feature of Cosmopolitan in the UK since its first issue. Note the main cover line is positioned against the model's shoulder so it shows up clearly
Left thirdThe left third of the magazine cover is vital for sales in shops where the magazine is not shown full-frontage. The title must be easily recognisable in a display of dozens of competitors. The start of the masthead is important here, as are short cover lines that are easy to read
Bar codeStandard bar code used by retailers
Selling lineShort, sharp description of the title's main marketing point (for Cosmopolitan: 'The world's No 1 magazine for young women') or perhaps setting out its editorial philosophy

Thursday, January 16, 2014

Fixed Portrait Shoot Submission







What was the best ISO setting to use for your portraits?
The best setting was 3200 iso
What was your next best photo?
I think the second best iso was the 1600 one, i think bright pictures look cool.
Were you able to create equivalent exposures to your best photo by changing the aperture and shutter speed?
we didn't really mess with either of those.
What did you learn from this activity that you will apply to your real portrait shoot?
I learned what ISO does and how it has a big effect on things