1.The man that got killed was shoved onto the tracks of and underground subway. The photographer was able to take the photo by pulling his camera with a flash to alert to the subway driver something was wrong.
2.The man took the phototo catch the drivers attention. To show something was wrong.
3.I think he should've used the time for him to take that picture to actually help the guy.
4. I personally don't think so because if you think about it, it takes a while to stop that huge train therefore even if the driver suspected or knew something was wrong he probably couldn't stop it on time to not run over the man.
5.I agree because i would think that whoever did the sick joke or crime to shove a man to nearly get run over and lose his life should be notified what he did took someones life.
6. It's more important to save a life because you wil likely become a second victim that needs to be recsued or worse.
7. I personally feel they should stay out of it because it could possibly endanger their life.
8. Yes, they should because what if that little even becomes a huge crime and you become partially convicted of that crime?
It's best to keep to yourself unless they're putting and innocent life at risk.
9. The photographer couldn't have helped that much even though i stated earlier that instead of taking the picture he could've helped but in reality the photographer may have risked his life helping the guy that was shoved. So i feel that its sort of a lose for everyone becausethe guy pushed lost his life and the photographer probably lives with a guilty conscience thinking what else could i have to to help that poor man?